Recipes, Gardening, and Cats

Just a few of my favorite things



Here you can find all my favorite recipes, along with my gardening posts and resources. In general, this is where the content from my old Ohio Kitchen Garden website now lives.

Trees and Shrubs in Edible Landscaping

Trees and Shrubs in Edible Landscaping

These are a few of the trees and shrubs I added to our yard in 2019. All but the bayberries produce edible fruit and provide food and habitat for birds. (A few didn't make it, but that's more due to things like the deer eating them before they got big enough, not any...

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Turkey and Corn Chili

This recipe is courtesy one of my co-workers, who entered it in a chili cook-off at work back in 2012. Ingredients 1 tbsp vegetable oil 2 lbs ground turkey 4 green onions, finely chopped 1 tbsp chili powder 1/2 tsp dried oregano Pinch cayenne pepper 2  roasted red...

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